The American Academy of Pediatrics has suggested a new way to fight female genital mutilation in the United States: Allow doctors to give girls a “nick” down there. In a policy statement titled “Ritual Genital Cutting of Female Minors,” the Academy suggests that allowing such a ritual could serve as a way to “build trust” with immigrant families and prevent parents from sending their girls overseas for far more extensive, and potentially life-threatening, procedures. It’s a “possible compromise to avoid greater harm,” the statement says.

As you might imagine, the Academy’s endorsement of a ritualistic “nick” has not gone over well. PZ Myers of Pharyngula mockingly wrote: “We’ll just mutilate baby girls a little bit, to make the misogynist patriarchal assholes happy.” Taking a similar tack, Shakesville’s Melissa McEwan turned up the snark real loud: “Girls get only a little heinous physical and psychological trauma, and their guardians get to practice their violent misogyny, just in a slightly less violent way. Yay for compromise!” I had a similar reaction. I mean, I even disagree with male circumcision (at least when there’s a total absence of personal choice in the matter).

Doctors defend genital “nick” for girls – Broadsheet –

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