Archive for March, 2009

This is really bad news for parents.

clipped from

UNITED NATIONS, March 31 — The Obama administration decided Tuesday to seek a seat on the U.N. Human Rights Council, reversing a decision by the Bush administration to shun the United Nations’ premier rights body to protest the influence of repressive states.

The United States announced it would participate in elections in May for one of three seats on the 47-member council, joining a slate that includes Belgium, Norway and New Zealand. New Zealand has offered to step aside to allow the United States to run unchallenged, according to a U.S. official.

Reached Tuesday, Bolton denounced the Obama administration’s decision. “This is like getting on board the Titanic after it’s hit the iceberg,” he said. “This is the theology of engagement at work. There is no concrete American interest served by this, and it legitimizes something that doesn’t deserve legitimacy.”

What is wrong with this picture?
clipped from

Lawfare and Obama’s Transnationalist

What is wrong with this picture? We learned this weekend that a Spanish judge, Baltasar Garzon, is preparing to prosecute six Americans who worked as senior legal and policy advisors to President George W. Bush – including Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Under Secretary of Defense Douglas Feith. The alleged crime? The opinions they provided Mr. Bush supported the use of torture against enemy combatants.
Most Americans would find this assertion of what has come to be called “transnational law” to be troubling on several grounds. Its application is an affront to due process and the rule of law in this country. It would criminalize internal U.S. policy-making deliberations, with profound implications for U.S. sovereignty. If allowed to run its course, this prosecution would have a profoundly chilling effect on the willingness of subordinates to provide a president with advice, or perhaps even to serve in government.

Moving from D.C. to Denver meant less traffic, more sunshine, and a few breathless walks up and down the stairs as my lungs acclimated to the mile high atmosphere. It also put me at the heart of a national tragedy — the academic fraud known as Ward Churchill. Or as Dennis Miller glibly calls him, “the tenured Tonto.”

Naturally, the far left is rallying to his side. Again. And if you need another reason to distrust that side of the ideological aisle, here it is:


PBS reports that the surplus has all but vanished…

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more about “Remember when Bush wanted to reform S…“, posted with vodpod

Frank says that he wouldn’t want DOMA coming before the Supreme Court at this time because “That homophobe Antonin Scalia has got too many votes.”

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Newsdesk International

" the government will one day become corrupt and filled with liars, and the people will flock to the one who tells the truth." -- Thomas Jefferson"


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