Archive for July, 2009

The Federal Reserve

This Federal reserve system, creating money with debt attached to every single dollar made. Witch in turn keeps you in debt forever and super enriches the few who make the money ,is not new.

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They are trying to:
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As Canada and Australia seek broad surveillance powers over the web, an Obama advisor wants to eliminate “destructive falsehoods” online.

We don’t hear much about “the Anglosphere” anymore. The term was coined after 9/11 to distinguish freedom-loving Western allies from those nations sympathetic or indifferent to Islamic jihad.

Sadly, the Anglosphere’s cheerleaders have since learned that the West isn’t always a reliable champion of liberty, either. Two “Anglospheric” nations in particular — Australia and Canada — have revealed a troubling urge to stifle free speech, especially on the Internet.

Geist is the Canada Research Chair of Internet and E-commerce Law at the University of Ottawa and an internationally recognized expert on technology law. He warns that the act “will embed broad new surveillance capabilities in the Canadian Internet.”

“More children for the fit, less for the unfit.” By unfit, Sanger meant the mentally retarded or physically handicapped; later her definition expanded.
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These articles are concerned with two separate but related things: the eugenics roots of the pro-abortion movement, and the connection between modern legalized abortion and the specter of eugenics.

The Specter Of Pro-Choice Eugenics

Nat Hentoff, The Washington Post

Pro-choice forces are so intent on removing all obstacles to abortion that eugenics is no specter to them.

The eugenics roots of the pro-abortion movement

Margaret Sanger, who founded Planned Parenthood, remains a hero to the abortion movement and a “liberator” to the prestige press. In the book Pivot of Civilization she described her objectives: “More children from the fit, less from the unfit…” The people Sanger considered unfit were “all non-aryan people.”

Supporters of the President’s government takeover of health care have been very careful to not mention the word abortion. They use terms like family planning and reproductive health care, but it is…

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Radicalism Goes Mainstream

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Artim: 20090707 - Saul Alinsky, liberals, america, takeover, government, leftists, tactics

Why does the Left sympathize with radical Islamic extremists? Over the July 4th weekend a story about how a recent New York City Council resolution that recommend the city’s school system shut down to commemorate two of the most important Muslim holidays was picked up by Islamic groups and declared as a victory for Allah and Islam. Why would these nut-balls do such a thing? By “nut-balls,” I mean the New York City Council. This is the same New York City that went through the horrors of 9–11. What are these people thinking? Even Mayor Bloomberg has better sense. Give him time. It won’t be long before he capitulates. “Righteous violence” has always been rationalized by the Left going back to early Union violence because it was a means to bring down the establishment:

Newsdesk International

" the government will one day become corrupt and filled with liars, and the people will flock to the one who tells the truth." -- Thomas Jefferson"


oh, not another compelling blog

Mike Street Station

Warning: All Opinions are Unpopular

Hoboduke Nonsense

Do not tread on me! Whiners are not welcome in hobo jungle.

The Silent Soldier

The Voice of Americas Forgotten Heroes, Our Veterans

Did You Check First?

It's fine to have an opinion. It's better to know the facts.

24/7 Wall St.

Insightful Analysis and Commentary for U.S. and Global Equity Investors

SIUE Women's Studies Program

The Political, Personalized

I am Conservative

My views and thoughts as a conservative.

The Praetorian Writers' Group

- Unusually Insightful and Literate Commentary on the World Around Us

Smart Meter Harm

Disabled rights, fires, overbilling, health problems, inaccuracy, hacking & cybersecurity, interference, privacy loss, and more....

Shouting from the rooftop. . .

News stories you may not see

The XX Committee

intelligence, strategy, and security in a dangerous world

Random Candidate

The official blog of That Random Candidate

Lifted Lamp

Illuminating Immigration Law by Benach Collopy

With Dignity

Your Life, Your Death...Your Choice

Trutherator's Weblog

The truth shall make you free!

Naked Security

Computer Security News, Advice and Research

Burst Updates

Burst Updates, an explosion of news, politics, and opinions.

ARLIN REPORT...................walking this path together