Archive for January, 2015

School Retaliates Against Student For Parent’s Pro-Israel Stance

The endless Muslim indoctrination of hate in children

Congressional Black Caucus Chair Threatens Democrats With Race Card

American Glob

The whole brouhaha is about power. You see, people with cushy and influential government positions like to keep them but up and coming Democrats want a shot at those positions too.

The CBC is sending a clear message about that.

Joel Gehrke of National Review…

CBC Chairman Threatens Racism Smear Against Fellow Dems in Seniority Fight

Nowhere in the rulebook does it say that Democrats can’t play the race card against other Democrats.

With young House Democrats itching to break into the leadership ranks held by senior Democrats, the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus issued a veiled threat that his organization wouldn’t hesitate to smear the fresh faces with a racism charge in order to keep the top spots they’ve acquired over the years.

The issue has come up because some junior Democrats are calling for limits on how long someone can hold the spot of ranking member on…

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Liberals Accuse John Boehner of Treason as Former Obama Aides Try to Oust Netanyahu

American Glob

Some people on the left are very angry that John Boehner has invited Netanyahu to speak to congress. In the progressive world, if you do or say anything that might make Obama look bad you become public enemy number one.

Some liberals on Twitter are even calling Boehner’s actions treason…

Obama and members of his administration initially claimed that they wouldn’t meet with Netanyahu during his visit because they didn’t want it to appear that they’re trying to influence Israel’s upcoming election.

Then an anonymous source in the administration claimed that Netanyahu’s acceptance of Boehner’s invitation was akin to spitting in Obama’s face and that…

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ISLAMIC ALARM ALERT: Shariah Law Implanted in America! What/Where Are The Dangers? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Adina Kutnicki

Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary at a rally for shariah law.IN order to internalize the grave danger America is in – relative to the injection of Shariah Law– one must first recognize why ANY semblance of Shariah Law implanted within America is a clear and present danger. Civil, criminal, Shariah financing laws…makes no diff.

SPECIFICALLY, the Muslim Brotherhood’s overall plan is to subsume all of America under the boot of Shariah, not “just” the Muslim community. They are deadly serious, and their track record attests as much. Don’t dare to dismiss their American (and global) designs.

AT its base, Shariah Law is a knock out blow (despite protestations to the contrary, ala Islamists and anti-American leftists) to the U.S. Constitution, the law of the land. 

Shari’a is an Arabic word meaning “path” or “way.” Today the term is used most commonly to mean “Islamic law,” the detailed system of religious law developed by Muslim scholars in the first three…

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Newsdesk International

" the government will one day become corrupt and filled with liars, and the people will flock to the one who tells the truth." -- Thomas Jefferson"


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