Britts makes modern Sodom in southern France

A British company has upset a rural French community with a surprise announcement to build a “gay village”, the first of its kind.

When the mayor of Sallèles-d’Aude approved plans by a British company for a gated development for the over-50s, he pictured affluent men and women, like those shown hand-in-hand in the brochure, bringing a much-needed financial boost to his corner of rural France.

What he did not envisage was the country’s first “gay village”.

Yves Bastié, the mayor of the community near Narbonne, southern France, was shocked to learn that the retirement development he approved in March will be an “active lifestyle village”.

Called Le Village – Canal du Midi, due to its location near the famous tree-lined canal, a Unesco World Heritage site, the €25 million (£21.9 million) development is intended almost exclusively for homosexuals.

“I’m flabbergasted,” said Mr Bastié. “I had absolutely no idea. The least…

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