
Imagine the United States as one big jumbo jet on a lengthy journey to what our travel brochures described as the land of “milk and honey.” We are all passengers aboard this marvelous airbus of state-of-the art comfort along with a litany of well-trained pilots, crew members and support personnel, each taking their respective shifts on this multi-generational journey. The flight is complete with in-flight movies, food service, all of the latest technology, along with a flight staff seemingly dedicated to our comfort.As Americans, we boarded this aircraft long ago as we were promised a destination to the promised land of peace and prosperity by the flight planners and smiling and most accommodating crew. We were impressed by the amenities of the aircraft, complete with logos of the stars and stripes on the plane’s exterior and patriotic songs playing in a loop in the boarding area. Oh how proud we were!As passengers excited and enthusiastic about our future, we paid little or no attention to the backgrounds, bona-fides or intentions of the pilots or crew. Seeing them clothed in their dress flight uniforms, standing aboard the aircraft to warmly greet us as the patriotic music faded quietly behind us, they instilled confidence in our flight experience.We boarded, settled in and took off, leaving the airport in “every town,” U.S.A. behind us as a memory of what once was. Upon reaching cruising altitude, drinks were served, the in-flight movie began, and passengers removed their various vices and devices from their carry-on bags to pass the time during this long flight.

via Flight of the U.S.A..

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