Utah High School Student Captures Screen Shots of the Anti-Book #CommonCore Test


A Utah High School student took the Common Core (SAGE) test this week.  Seeing objectionable issues in that test, she thought her mother should know.  The student took screen shots using her cell phone and sent them to her mother.  Her mother passed them along to us.

This was an important act of civil disobedience.

Thoreau’s classic book, Civil Disobedience, points out that  an individual should prioritize conscience when conscience collides with law.  Benjamin Franklin put it this way: Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.

We are dealing with the tyranny of the Common Core’s wrong-headed philosophies.  We are also dealing with the tyranny of a now national school system that is oppressing parental conscience.

Think it through.  Utah’s  law affirms the authority of a parent (not any other entity, such as government or school) to have the final say over what a student will learn and be tested upon.  But the laws of Utah education…

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